New paper on quantum vortex reconnections mediated by particles published in Physical Review B

Reconnection of quantum vortices with particles trapped in them

Particles are used in superfluid to track and visualise the dynamics of quantum vortices. Such particles are trapped by the vortices and we can follow their dynamics. During a vortex reconnection, particles interact with vortices and show a very rich dynamics.

Look at this nice movie about this work

Umberto Giuriato
Umberto Giuriato
PhD student

My research interests include superfluid dynamics, condensed matter, quantum turbulence and wave turbulence.

Giorgio Krstulovic
Giorgio Krstulovic
Chargé de recherche CNRS.
Head of Fluid and Plasma Turbulence group.

My research interests include classical and quantum turbulence, vortex dynamics and wave turbulence.