My scientific work is principally focused on analytical and numerical studies of out-of-equilibrium complex systems, such as classical and quantum turbulent fluids and transport of particles by turbulent flows. I manly interested in applications of statistical mechanics and dynamical systems to the modelling and understanding of multi-scale systems. Among all these systems, one that especially captured my attention is superfluid turbulence. I am very interested in the dynamics of quantum vortices and their interactions.
In general, I am interested in statistical mechanics, nonlinear science and theoretical aspects of turbulence.
In my webpage you will find my publications, a description of my current projects and different updates in the News section. You will also find several movies showing the dynamics of superfluid vortices, quantum vortex reconnections, superfluid vortex tangles and particles immersed in superfluid turbulent flows.
Habilitation à diriger des Recherches en Sciences (HDR), 2020
Université Côte d'Azur
PhD in Physics, 2010
LPS - ENS. Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Master 2. Concepts fondamentaux de la physique, Theoretical physics., 2006
Université Pierre et Marie Curie - ENS
Mathematical engineering, 2005
Universidad de Chile
Bachelor Degree in Physics, 2004
Universidad de Chile
Bachelor Degree in Mathematics, 2002
Universidad de Chile